Friday, November 9, 2007



What makes designers and consumers desire these objects? How and where would you place them within contemporary design and culture?

Well, I agreed that nowadays there are plenty of new designs that don't make sense were produced. Designers are coming out of art of pieces within contemporary design and culture due to the prosperity and futuristic in the world. They have to design something is new in forms, with or without functionalist which are innovative.

For example, Satyendra Pakhale designs, among other things, objects, furniture, bureau accessories, and other tabletop. He is able to combine east with west, craft with technology and function with fun. Satyendra is the most interesting young designer at work today. Therefore, I think that designers create contemporary objects blending the 'old' and the 'new', 'artisan' and 'highly industrialized'.

This is the ceramic chairs that designed as a ceremonial object of welcome. These combine with earthenware and stoneware clay. The ceramic elements are fired separately and then connected with PU glue. The soft-satin surface is a thin layer of clay slip known as 'terra sigillata'. These one-of-a-kind chairs have been manufactured by Satyendra himself at the European ceramic work centre in Amsterdam, NL.


Look at Fig. 2. How do you feel about it? What kind of emotions does it trigger you? Refer to your previous studies on Semiotics.

I feel curious and wonder how would its usage to us nowadays. How much it cost? hehe... I think this 'NOW' word on the watch can be considered as an index in the three categories of Semiotics. For me, I am a person that must wear a watch if I want to go out anywhere. I am already familiar to see 'what time is it now'? I'll uncomfortable if I forget to wear my watch out there just like lack of something and my emotion will be a little bit blue sometime, weird and uncomfortable. Maybe for some other else they don't really need a watch to refer the time but for me the watch is on my hand and I can refer the time anywhere even my hand phone or laptop are showing the time. This watch is very cool for me but I would also want to know the price of a product that I am interested.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Finally get it done!

Our final assignment is project report which is 2000 words. Finally, i get it done my report and submitted to Ms. Teresa. I tried to do my best to finish my report and want to submit it on Friday, November 2, 2007, but i can't finish it.

I finally get to done and submitted to Ms. Teresa on Tuesday. Ms. Teresa asked me "What happened to you? Where were you last Friday?". I said that i can't finish my report and she told me that i should tell her this. I'll tell my lecturer if i can't finish it on time because this is my responsible to do that.

Ms. Teresa also told me that coming this Friday we'll have a 1 hour exam and journal presentation as well. I think it'll be our last class on this Friday.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Signs

In our presentation, we had presented the signs we chose to create another new signs. We showed original signs and those signs we created. During my presentation, my part was to present the signs that i created. Indeer talked about the introduction and conclusion. Tunku talked about the signs that he created.This is the original cross road sign which we usually see
beside the road. It is a human figure.

This was the cross road sign that i created.
It was yellow color but i don't know why it became
blue color when i browsed this image. I only drawn
the legs to represent cross road sign. It is more
interesting and new to me.

Original Stop sign.

This was created by Suei Ming.
It was red and white color.
I don't know why it is blue color when
browsed it up to my blog.

These are the female and male toilet symbols
that we usually see it around.

This was created by Suei Ming.
It is humour, funny and intersting.
The whole class was laughing when we showing
this images. That was interesting and not
boring environment during our presentation.

Finally, our idea about these new signs
were with four points which are:
  1. Easy to understand
  2. Interesting
  3. Humour
  4. Acceptable by design culture

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Presentation again...

I received a email from Ms. Teresa which was another group presentation again. We were arranged in groups by Ms. Teresa. I was in the same group with Suei Ming, Indeer and Tunku.

This presentation is was about Design Culture and Semiotics. Our group had a little discussion before we have tutorials with Ms. Teresa. We decided to do research on exterior signs and interior signs, road signs and toilet signs. After that, we decided to create new signs to provide new messages.

I went back home and did my research. Me and Suei Ming had a tutorial with Ms. Teresa on last friday before 12pm. Suei Ming wanted to have tutorial earlier so that we no need to attend afternoon class and i agreed with him.

After tutorial, we went back home and tried to figure out some new signs. This week is non-contact week. I had did two signs which were cross road sign and no smoking signs.

Suei Ming and i had did our own presentation this time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Design Culture and Semiotics

Pattern Regconition

Pattern Recognition is a process of identifying a stimulus and is among the best-developed of human perceptual and cognitive skills. It is a process whereby sensory input is recognized as a meaningful entity. It seeks similarities and regularities recognizing a correspondence between a stimulus and information in memory. Processing sensory information and the comparison to a representation stored in semantic memory allows the perceiver to recognize the stimuli.

Theories of Pattern Recognition are derived from the general theories of perception. The field of Pattern Recognition addresses pattern in all forms and is concerned with the classification or description of observation. The research is connected to advanced programming techniques of machine representations, relating information of aspects of the outside world to machine behavior. Pattern Recognition by computers is not just concerned with the identification of visual or audio patterns (machine vision and voice recognition) but also includes statistical data or data such as the patterns of interaction and communication of individuals and groups based on their increasingly recorded electronic footprints.

A collection of emerging information technologies is grouped around cognitive computing and the study of how machines can observe the environments, learn to distinguish patterns of interest and make reasonable decisions about the categories of the patterns. Use of this technology is widespread not only in robotics, in medical diagnosis and EKG signal analysis and character, voice, handwriting recognition and biometrics but also financial forecast copyright surveillance, psychological profiling, automated target recognition and a steady increase of new applications. Pattern Recognition has been embraced as a key technology for future generations of user interfaces incorporating augmented reality features in human computer interface design.

Patterns of human speech waveform is quite complex and the ability of humans to understand and generate these waveforms is rather astonishing. Humans develop processes for understanding and generating speech that outperforms our ability to generate and process other sounds in early life. Speaking is a complex activity, requiring about 140,000 neuromuscular events per second to succeed. Speech rests on an ability to pair stored mental concepts with incoming data from the senses. Understanding speech is an interaction between processing the speech waveform and our ability to understand language. Status, or social power, is widely marked by particular speech-forms in socially stratified societies. Speakers also shift their speech-forms in predictable ways across different social situations, thus marking a society's construction of social contexts. The social relevance of Pattern Recognition extends to a variety of communication channels including dress codes. Beyond the insignia of formal authorities much of the code structure remains hidden like embedded watermarks. The sophistication of patterns is only fully decoded in the specific network; mobile social groups further restrict access by regular change of codes.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Group Presentation

In my group, i was told to do my part which was do research on baby pram and sensor. I was so scared and nervous before 1 day of presentation day because my group did not prepare any power point slides.

We were late into class also that day. Our group did not have laptop and we tried to ask other else who have and borrow from them. We just showed our pictures in jpeg file during our presentation. I did not present anything because i was scared to present without prepare anything. This presentation was the first time that i ever had without having any power point slides.

Besides that, we also presented another items which is hovering briefcase. The drawings were drawn by Demitri. It was nice... hehe...

KLCC Field Trip

We had a Field Trip to KLCC at September 21st, 2007 for our Socio-Psychology class. I am in the same group with Tanya, Jane, Demitri and Suei Ming. These assignment is to have a presentation about investigate and observe any item that can be innovated futuristics design in the future.

We had found few items in toy shop and we had a little discussion ourselves before meet Ms. Teresa. We met Ms. Teresa at 4pm to discuss about out topic which is baby pram. We want to talk about mothers can control a baby pram with a bracelet or ankle sensor. After discussion with Ms. Teresa, we'll prepare for our presentation on the following week.